
Pure Himalayan Shilajit

Fishtail Mountain, Nepal at Dusk (Machhapuchhare)

Pure Himalayan Shilajit is considered a National Treasure of the nation of NEPAL, the birthplace of Siddhartha Gautam Buddha & founder of Buddhism. It is famed for its anti-ageing, strengthening and rejuvenating properties.

Around 50 million years ago, the Indian continent collided into Asia forming the Himalayan mountain range and the nation of NEPAL. As the mountains formed, tropical forests were crushed and compacted between massive rock formations. The compressed forests gradually transformed into a nutrient and mineral-rich biomass loaded with medicinal humic and fulvic acids. Now, every summer as the mountains warm, Nepal & India’s most prized herbal-mineral remedy literally oozes from these biomass resins in the high mountain crevasses.

This is a substance that is of both organic and geological origins, that is essentially a distillation of vitamins, minerals, nutrients, enzymes, electrolytes, and amino acids.

Known as Shilajit, this resinous and nutrient-rich biomass has been touted for millennia by Ayurveda’s Materia Medica as the optimum carrier of energy and nutrition into the human body. Modern science has recently proven this by identifying fulvic and humic acids, which are found in abundance in Shilajit, as the main substances responsible for energy production within the cell.(1) Science is just beginning to understand the implications of fulvic acid rich nutrients like Shilajit.

Known in Nepal & India as the Destroyer of Weakness, Shilajit’s other primary components are DBPs (dibenzo-alpha-pyrones), which are the “super-energising components.”

It seems that via DBPs, Shilajit supports deep rejuvenation and energy production. In one study, participants took just 200mg of Shilajit each day for 15 days and the available energy in their blood after vigorous exercise was equivalent to the levels of available energy before starting exercise. That’s the “super energising component” in action!(2)

Recent studies on Shilajit show that it delivers energy and nutrients to the cell at astonishing levels. In one study, mice underwent strenuous exercise and had their energy (ATP) expenditure measured with and without Shilajit. The energy depleted twice as fast in the group that did not take the Shilajit.(3)

In Nepal, Sherpas count it as essential to their diet, and scientists attribute their strength and longevity in part to Shilajit.  In India it is widely used by men to invigorate, cure impotence, and treat premature ejaculation. In China it is used to build physical, spiritual, and sexual energy.

Renewing Your Cells

Shilajit is known for its ability to rejuvenate a cell by driving oxygen and nutrients into the cell(4) and supporting the body’s natural antioxidant activity, whereby the body rids itself of free radicals.(5)

Traditionally, Shilajit was described as a yoga vahi, meaning that whatever is taken with it will be enhanced due to Shilajit’s ability to bring any nutrient into solution and drive it into the cell.

In one study, CoQ10, which boosts energy in heart, liver and kidney cells, was enhanced by as much as 29% with the addition of Shilajit.(6)

For thousands of years Shilajit has been used to help support:

Energy  •  Memory  •  Mood  •  Sharp intelligence  •  Absorption of vital nutrients  •  Enhanced potency and effectiveness of other nutrients  •  Balanced blood sugar  •  Efficient detoxification  •  Optimal oxygenation and the body’s natural antioxidant response

Scientific References:

1. Agarwal SP, Khanna R, Karmarkar R, Anwer MK, Khar RK. Shilajit: a review. Phytother Res. 2007 May;21(5):401-5.

2. Pal D, Bhattacharya S. Pilot Study on the Improvement of Human Performance with ReVitalETTM as Energy Booster: Part-IV. 2006. Data on file. Natreon, Inc.

3. Bhattacharyya S, Pal D, Gupta AK, Ganguly P, Majumder UK, Ghosal S. Beneficial effect of processed Shilajit on swimming exercise induced impaired energy status of mice. Pharmacologyonline. 2009;1:817-25.

4. Visser SA. Effect of humic substances on mitochondrial respiration and oxidative phosphorylation. Sci Total Environ. 1987 Apr;62:347-54.

5. Piotrowska D, Dlugosz A, Witkiewicz K, Pajak J. The research on antioxidative properties of TOLPA Peat Preparation and its fractions. Acta Pol Pharm. 2000 Nov;57 Suppl:127-9.

6. Bhattacharyya S, Pal D, Banerjee D, et al. Shilajit dibenzo”pyrones: Mitochondria targeted antioxidants. Pharmacologyonline. 2009; 2:690-8.

SARYU’s SHILAJIT is purified & refined under the control & supervision of the Government of Nepal so you can be assured of its purity, safety & efficacy.


The Himalayas in Nepal has a diverse geography, including fertile plains, subalpine forested hills, and is home to the highest regions on Earth including the vast